How healthy is your Canola Oil?

One of the healthiest cooking mediums available today, canola oil is an extract of rapeseed. It offers several cooking and baking benefits.

  • Canola oil contains monounsaturated fats or good fats which lower levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol and maintain those of HDL (good) cholesterol. Therefore, this oil is beneficial to good health. As compared to other oils, canola oil has the least amount of saturated fats—seven percent as against 12% of sunflower oil, 13% of corn oil and 15% of olive oil.
  • It is also far richer in omega-6 fatty acids, omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and linolenic acid than any other cooking oil which the human body cannot produce on its own. If we have a considerable intake of ALA, it can protect our hearts from blood pressure problems, inflammation and cholesterol
In fact, according to a study published in the Jou of the American Dietetic Association, using canola oil as your cooking medium can lessen your intake of fat up to 10% and can increase your intake of ALA by almost 73%.

So next time you’re shopping for cooking oils, consider the heart-healthy qualities and versatility of canola oil. You’ll be glad you did.

In fact, the FDA permits canola oil makers to carry label information that reads as follows:

You can easily make canola oil a part of your daily diet by substituting margarine for a canola oil-based margarine. To get the required amounts of saturated and unsaturated fats into your diet, you can also consider using canola oil-based spreads. If you choose to bake or cook with canola oil, it won’t change the flavour of your food. You can use it for marinades and in sauces and salad dressings.

In the health domain too, there is scientific research approved by the FDA which states that by consuming 19 gm (1.5 tsp) of canola oil per day, the risk of heart disease is significantly reduced due to the presence of unsaturated fat content. For this to happen, canola oil does not increase the number of calories you eat every day but replaces an equal amount of saturated fat. So, go ahead and cook with canola oil.


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