Canola Oil vs. Olive Oil

Olive oil and canola oil are both heart healthy oils used for cooking and baking purposes. However, which one is healthier than the other? Below we have mentioned the different nutritional value and benefits of both the oils. Let’s see the differences and check which oil is better and healthier.

Health Benefits of Canola Oil :

Canola oil is derived from pressed canola seeds, which are commonly known as oil rape seeds. Both canola seeds and rape seeds belong to the same genus. Canola oil can be termed as heart healthy for individuals. Its various benefits have been mentioned below.

1. Studies have shown that alpha  -linolenic acid, also known as ALA, may help protect the heart by its effect on blood pressure, cholesterol, and inflammation.

2. Also, individuals may substitute fats in one’s diet with canola oil. Research has shown that by completely substituting canola oil for other oils may help individuals in meeting their daily dietary requirement of saturated and unsaturated fat.

3. Canola oil has the highest level of plant sterols. These may reduce the risk of heart disease.

4. It has a high caloric content, especially rich in monounsaturated fats like oleic acid. This helps in lowering the bad cholesterol levels and increases the good cholesterol in an individual’s blood.

5. Canola oil is rich in antioxidants like vitamin E. Vitamin E helps in maintaining the integrity of cell membrane of mucus membranes and skin by protecting it from harmful oxygen free radicals.

6. Canola oil has highest smoke point oil is also an ideal choice for deep frying because it can be heated to a higher temperature (smoke point -450 °F). This results in lower oil retention in the fried foods.

Nutritional Value of Canola Oil :

Canola oil is rich in energy; around 100 grams of canola oil can provide 884 calories. It has a higher ratio of monounsaturated fatty acids, which makes it healthy for consumption. Canola Oil has very good lipid profile. It has saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats in desired quantities. Cold pressed oil is one of the stable cooking oil that has very long shelf life. It has a high smoking point which makes it ideal for deep frying food items.

Health Benefits of Olive oil :

Olive oil has several benefits as well. They are as follows:

1. The phyto nutrient in olive oil has the ability to cope the effects of ibuprofen, which may help in reducing inflammation. This automatically has a positive effect on reducing the risk of blood cancer.

2. Olive oil helps in lowering the LDL, which may lead to certain heart disease.

3. Olive oil is rich antioxidants such as vitamin E, which is said to decrease the risk of cancer.

4. It is said to lower the blood pressure in individuals. Recent studies have shown that regular consumption of olive oil can help decrease both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

5. Olive oil has nutrients that may help in curing diabetes. This is because it is low in fats and rich in carbohydrates. It helps in improving blood sugar control and enhances insulin sensitivity.

6. It is also known for reducing levels of obesity, although it is sufficiently high in calories.

7. Studies have shown that olive oil may help in treating rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis both. It aids in the absorption of calcium, which plays an important role in preventing osteoporosis.

Nutritional Value of Olive Oil :

It is said that olive oil is the best edible oil in terms of palatability, stability, lipid profile, and safety profiles. It has the same amount of calories as canola oil; 884 calories, and is also rich in monounsaturated fats, similar to canola oil. It has a high smoking point, which makes it feasible for deep frying certain foods. It also has a very long shelf life.

Canola Oil vs. Olive Oil- Which One Is Better ?

Comparing canola oil with olive oil is ironic; it’s like comparing Pepsi with coke, when we know that people love both yet they have different preferences. Olive oil is good for individuals who are suffering from bone related issues, whereas studies have shown that canola oil is a healthier option for individuals. Since both are equally healthy, people with different cooking preferences should choose accordingly.


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