
Showing posts with the label what is canola oil made from

Remember: It’s your life, your health, and your choice!

In the recent years canola oil has virtually taken over as the healthy cooking oil of choice. It would be difficult to spot granola in a health food store without Canola Oil as an ingredient. The same stands for salad dressings and snack foods. Today we will go a bit deep to exactly  what is canola oil made from?  How does it come into existence in the market? Canola as the name suggests “can” – meaning Canada, and “ola” – meaning oil. Canola is mainly found in the meadows of Canada, Australia, and some parts of the United States.Canola is a vigorous yellow color plant which consists of kale, broccoli and mustard seeds.In fact, the part of the plant that canola is most  admired for is its seeds, which crops an oil rich in monounsaturated fats but containing the minimum amount of saturated fat of any cooking oil. Consumption of excess of saturated fats increases the risk of heart strokes. Our canola oil constitutes of about 60% monounsaturated fat, 23% Omega 6s, and 10% Omega 3s w