Remember to Follow these Steps to get Rid of Stuffy Nose!

Ever had that bad feeling of finding it difficult to breath with that stuffy nose? And remember when you try to blow your nose and find nothing coming out of your nose? It’s time to read on and follow these amazing steps to keep away from the bad days.
Get to unclog your nose right away!

·        -  Use a Humidifier – Humidifier can be a boon for you in the days when you want to breathe free but the stuff nose does not let you be. The moist air will help soothe the irritated nasal tissue and reduce inflammation of sinuses.
         - Steam The Nose – Give your nose a steam bath with an easy to follow regime that needs just 2 things, a towel and hot water – 1 bowl. Place the hot water bowl on a table, lean over your nose directly over the bowl and cover your head with a towel to not let the heat vapors pass away. This will help clear the blockage in the nose and relieve the stuffy nose.
          -  Use Onion Juice – Onions have sulfur content in it that carries properties of drawing out mucus and fluids from the nose. Just cut an onion and place it in front of your nose, tears and nose will automatically start to move out.
       -    Take a Steam Bath – Get into the bathroom and put on a towel on the door to not let the heat escape, turn the temperature up and keep inhaling the hot steam. This will make sure your nose feels better and the stuffy nose is cured.

Simple home remedies can work wonders for your health and save you a lot of money on expensive medicines. Follow the instructions and let us know how you feel now!


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