
PepsiCo Australia switches to canola oil to reduce saturated fat

PepsiCo Australia switches to canola oil to reduce saturated fat According to Australia's leading website and email newsletter for business of grocery, convenience, pharmacy and impulse shopping, Doritos, Tostitos Cantina Style tortilla chips, Twisties, Burger Rings and Cheetos have all switched to canola oil after Smith’s Chips made the change last year. The move is part of PepsiCo Australia’s efforts to reduce added sugars, saturated fat and sodium in its products. Read More:…/pepsico-australia-switches-to-…/ # PepsiCo  Says: To reduce the amount of saturated fat in our products, we are changing the types of oil we use in the production of our foods. We are moving to oils that are lower in saturated fat such as sunflower and canola oils. For example, in recent years, our Cheetos Brand in Mexico introduced canola into the oil blend, reducing saturated fat by 65%. Read More :  › esg-topics-policies › saturated-fat-a-z-topics


CANOLA : NO. 1 COOKING OIL OF AMERICA, CANADA AND JAPAN.  Do not believe in the rumours spread by Anti Canola Lobby for their Selfish Motto. They are not REAL !! CANOLA has been ranked as the Largest Consuming Oil in the UNITED STATES, CANADA, JAPAN, MEXICO AND AUSTRALIA, due to its numerous health benefits. Canola that has been derived from the acronym  CAN adian - CAN O il - O L ow - L A cid - A ; is the Second Most Consumed Oil in the United States. In Canada, over 70% of the population uses nothing but Canola. In Japan, 50% of population swears by Canola. 3rd Most Consumed Cooking Oil in the World. And Now, It is India’s Turn. Additionally, No Evidence has been found that CANOLA OIL harms HUMANS - FSSAI (FOOD SAFETY AUTHORITY OF INDIA) ON THE INTERNATIONAL FORUM, Food Development Authority of the United States(USFDA) has conducted studies claiming: 1.5 TABLESPOONS OF CANOLA OIL EVERYDAY IN DIET HELPS REDUCE THE RIS

Cooking Oils Good for Diabetes and Heart Patients

What kinds of oils should be used for the diabetes and heart patients? Nearly 67% of diabetics die because of a stroke or heart attack;therefore people having diabetes need to ensure that they use oils which help in making their heart healthy. Which oils help to make heart healthy? There are many kinds of fats. They that are available in the foods from animals and plants are identified as the dietary fat. The dietary fat is the macro nutrient which gives energy to your body. In addition, the body could make its individual fat. The fat is important and advantageous for health because it supports many bodily functions. A few vitamins are fat soluble, which means they need fat to dissolve them and become available for the body usage. The two core categories of fat are MUFA (Mono Unsaturated FAT) and PUFA (Poly Unsaturated FAT). Foods having PUFA and MUFA are liquid on room temperature, like Canola oil, olive oil, peanut oil, corn oil,and safflower oil. Now the questi

How Can You Lower Down Your Blood Pressure

If you are taking diet enriched with processed and junk foods, you are perhaps contributing to the high blood pressure too much than you think. Higher blood pressure adds to the chances to get he art attack or a stroke. Healthy eating habits can assist you in avoiding both these fates although you have hypertension in your family history. Here are some changes that you can do to considerably lower the chances of getting higher blood pressure as well as helping in lowering it down: Eat extra soluble fiber. Analyses have constantly shown that the fiber, mainly soluble fiber helps in lowering down blood pressure. The soluble fiber assists in balancing the cholesterol within your body. Lessen the fats you take in your food. Our body needs fat for working efficiently, however saturated fats can increase your levels of cholesterol and increase the risks of vascular disease. Use monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats instead of saturated fats. These kinds of fats assist in re

Remember: It’s your life, your health, and your choice!

In the recent years canola oil has virtually taken over as the healthy cooking oil of choice. It would be difficult to spot granola in a health food store without Canola Oil as an ingredient. The same stands for salad dressings and snack foods. Today we will go a bit deep to exactly  what is canola oil made from?  How does it come into existence in the market? Canola as the name suggests “can” – meaning Canada, and “ola” – meaning oil. Canola is mainly found in the meadows of Canada, Australia, and some parts of the United States.Canola is a vigorous yellow color plant which consists of kale, broccoli and mustard seeds.In fact, the part of the plant that canola is most  admired for is its seeds, which crops an oil rich in monounsaturated fats but containing the minimum amount of saturated fat of any cooking oil. Consumption of excess of saturated fats increases the risk of heart strokes. Our canola oil constitutes of about 60% monounsaturated fat, 23% Omega 6s, and 10% Omega 3s w